In response to recent multiple messages...
I've been getting some feedback about my book and decided to answer a few questions on here for those who are interested.
-This book is fictional. Although it is inspired by real life experiences, it has been creatively embellished. I created this book because I believe there is a reason why we go through painful experiences. I've always believed that through any trauma, there can be a cathartic release that can help others (if you make that choice). Traumatic experiences in my life caused me to direct my pain into a career in Art Therapy, and ultimately into this book.
-I do not believe in fairy tale endings because my art relates to life. Life is awkward and uncomfortable, especially during change.
-My intention with this book is to reach people who may be in a situation similar to the one portrayed and give them the ability to look at it from a new perspective, possibly even find some humor in it.
-This is just the beginning.